Thursday, April 17, 2014

He didn't even buy me dinner or "Eye for an eye".

One of the worst things in the world is group assignments. You know that? We are saddled with a bunch of robotic babies to take care of, look after and act like parents. I'm not sure I'm ready to be a parent(though I'd probably be a poppa wolf if I was). I'm looking for Robin(who chooses pretty boy Ardath)when the teacher puts me together with Vincent. Vincent, who I hate. Vincent, who emotionally brutalized Robin. Vincent, who stabbed Robins mother half to death and she is still in critical condition. So I sit there, holding the baby and trying to keep the wolf at bay. Vincent doesn't say anything and I don't say anything as well. I think we came to an understanding of how things had to be.

At lunch, I met a guy. Big biker who said he was the one behind my enrolment here, who paid my bills so I could live in my fancy house. He said that it was about time I began paying him back. I asked how and he said that the werewolves(he's a werewolf, fyi) wanted to get rid of a dangerous vampire who just happens to be Vincents mom. I remembered Vincent, his eyes inhuman, standing over Robins mother with the knife, laughing away. She needs to die. He needed to suffer for it. Eye for an eye.

Later, I got guided to the church by the group. They were preparing for a ritual, something to rid Vincent of his demon forever. When I heard this, my heart stopped. A wonderful happily ever after, wouldn't it be? Robin and Vincent, the princess and prince of the story, happy and content, human. Meanwhile the wolf is chased away to live in the foothills, no longer part of the princesses life. No longer needed. No longer cared for. I've kept my feelings to myself. I was stupid to think she'd ever choose someone like me.

Halfway through the ritual, imps appear. Attacking and burning things, trying to disrupt it. Probably sent by Samael. I answer their attack with my boots, keeping the baby safe. Vincent was selfishly sitting in his magic circle, so he didn't give a shit.

During the ritual, Vincent begins contorting and twisting. Everyone gives a token to rid him of the demon. I saw Robin, tearful, terrified and her eyes full of care. Thats when I realized.

Robin doesn't want me and she doesn't need me. She loved Vincent and she deserves to be happy.

I pulled the silver coin from my pocket. It was heavy, as big as my palm and had a silver moon engraved on the side. I smiled softly. Silver and werewolves. They had it all wrong. I tossed it into the fire, my offering to whatever powers there were at work, praying for the first time ever, to give Robin peace, give her happiness, give her love that she deserved and free the boy she loved.

Goodbye dad.

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