The cop walked up, told Robin she was speeding. And Robin broke down, crying, saying that she was just a girl, whimpering and making a scene. The cop, apparently soft despite being a Toronto cop, said she was off the hook and offered to escort her to her house. She agreed, even though we were a block away. We got to the door and Robin ran inside, with me close behind. Vincent was standing over Robins mother, a knife in his hand. He smelled....wrong. Like meat gone bad thats been cooked and burnt black. His eyes weren't like Vincent and he had blood on the knife. I knew what I had to do. And it was going to hurt if I had anything to say about it.
I yelled at Vincent, shouting, trying to snap him out of it. "Think about Robin Vincent! Don't do this! She TRUSTED you! She TRUSTED you!" I shouted as he brandished the knife, about to plunge the blade into her abdomen again. So I ran at him. And was slammed aside. I hit the wall, pinned there by an unseen force as I struggled and fought, trying to stop him as he crept forward, as unVincentish as possible. Suddenly, the force abated and I tackled Vincent hard, roaring in rage, in hatred, at his cruelty, at the pain he was causing Robin, at the unfairness of the world that she had chosen him. He hit the ground hard and was knocked out. I held back, wanting nothing more than to finish him off while he was weak. But Robin was watching and she was tearfully kneeling by her mother as I shouted at the cops to get an ambulance.
Robin clambered into the ambulance with her mom and Vincent as I sadly watched her leave. She gave me an endearing smile as the doors closed, slamming shut and cutting off our eye contact. Lighting up a ciggarette, I realized I wasn't alone. The person with me didn't give off any smell, which is why he surprised me. He talked to me as I smoked and said thanks for saving my mom. I was surprised that he was Robins brother, but not too surprised he was dead. He said he was the one who tossed me aside and he was trying to protect his mother, so I forgave him for that. I asked if there was anything I could do to help and he said that he needed Robin to know about his existence. I promised I would and he disappeared(but I expect he'll be back). I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to hike to the hospital. Robin needed to have someone around who wasn't psychotic.
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