Monday, March 24, 2014

Holy Fire.

I walked around alone. My smokes were gone, but then I remembered it didn't make a difference. I wasn't trying to dull any senses anymore. I was without wolfishness. When I got to the school, deciding to sit and think, Dean and that other kid, whats his name, were there. Which was weird, because I was pretty sure Dean was dead on the bathroom floor earlier. Dean was asking a lot of questions and for some reason, I talked a lot. About Robin. About what she had done to me with that poof of dust, which I'm now fairly certain wasn't cocaine. The sun came up while we talked. I decided to go to school cause, why the hell not?

Israel came in, wingless, and he seemed to be more than a little surprised that I wasn't dead, sliced in half by his blow. I shrugged it off. He was acting odd and I definitely was feeling off because of what had happened the night before. Besides, I was hungry as hell, realizing food was a factor once more, just like cold and death. Robin showed up and she looked pissed at me. What the hell did I do? I guess Dean talked to her about what she had done and she was pissed. Dean was telling off Robin. Vincent pushed him and Dean pushed him back, knocking Robin into me and I couldn't help but enjoy the split second of contact before she bumped her head and then she was on her feet again. And then Israel let loose. He...shot fire.From his hands. And Dean ran away screaming and burning as the sprinklers went off. I stood there as people ran off down the hall, drenched and cold. I was unsure what the hell I was going to do. I decided to tell Vincent. He had a right to know about what his girlfriend was up to...right?

Vincent, when I told him, didn't tell me off. Didn't tell me I was crazy or stupid or laugh. He listened and he seemed to agree that we had to talk to Robin, that she had taken something from HIM too. He doesn't look like a vampire. Is he a zombie? We found her in the sound room that weird Chantel girl is in charge of. We confronted her and I told her off, saying that she had taken away part of me, that she was wrong. And then she started crying. And everyone there bitches me out. Chantel tells me I was wrong to do it, Vincent says that Robin was right to dust him and Izzy starts asking if she's able to make him human. The hell? They were all close to losing their powers and they were treating her like a child, someone to protect. She's NOT a child. She's stronger than she looks. She makes her own choices and she's strong enough to face the music for what she's done. But not while Vincent is babying her and Chantel is shouting at me and Israel is looking like a lost puppy.

She mentioned someone named Red Cap and everyone looked nervous. Nervous, to say the least. Vincent was saying about hunting him down. Some fancily dressed woman who smelled a tiny bit like that dust I had been hit with talked about him killing people, and Chantel talked about some guy named Mr.White, who I guess is a friend of Israel, making him another angel(I swear, I talk with this group for a half hour and everything explodes). Robin was crying into Vincents shoulder and I was torn between anger, guilt for making her cry and wanting to hold her to me and comfort her. But all her friends were there.

Chantel took the role of mother hen then, telling the fancy dressed woman that it was her fault Red Cap was free and Robin was under her own protection.

When we stepped out of the school, a man in white(Mr. White, I presume)demanded Israel hand over a gun, a special gun. And Israel fired the gun and cops showed up. I ran. Towards the school with Robin, with Chantel. That woman was there. And then the school was gone. Everything was gone. Where the hell are we?

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