The smell permeates me. It disturbs and discomfits me. I want to know if other people have been less lucky with Mr.Scott. So I do my coin trick.
I find an isolated area in the schoolyard, sit down and spin the coin. It's sort of odd. When I spin the coin and stare at it, sometimes I see things in it. The coin doesn't stop spinning until the vision is done. The full moon on it lights up like a beacon only I can see and shows me...visions. Of people. Of things. I tried to use this once to look for the person/thing who cursed me. No luck yet, but as I spin the coin, a hand slams down and grabs it.
Speak of the devil. It's Mr.Scott and he laughs at my anger as he tosses the coin from hand to hand. I bare my teeth and tell him to give it back, that it means a lot to me. He takes this as a joke and asks what I would give him for it. I tell him his teeth and I flex my fists, ready. Mr. Scott beckons, laughing still....and tells me to come get it. So I argue my point.
My argument is simple...a strong right cross to the face,but with a bit of wolfish strength behind it, which demolishes his teeth and puts his face through the bench, sending a chunk of it through his face. Only, when this happens, he sits up and tells me this wasn't smart. Pulling the piece from his face, he states that Mr. Scott gets what he wants...always. This shadow beast sends me flying like a kite across the yard...and at the foot of a fellow classmates motorbike. Israel I know from my homeroom. Handsome, I guess ,but with a bit of sadness in him. He is very introverted and dislikes small talk. I've never shared more than a few words with him, but I've heard about him. I ask for a lift, which he grants upon seeing the shadow that was Mr.Scott. We get a few feet before his bike breaks down. He seems to be unfazed by this, while I'm about to lose it. The creature tries to grab us and he lashes out with his hand...only his hand turns into a blade of light which severs one of the tendrils away. I begin pushing the bike...until the engine kickstarts and gets moving. I vault onto the back of the bike and look back to see ourselves leaving the alley full of darkness behind.
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