Dressed in my(second)best suit, black with red undershirt, I walked into the club with the group. All were dressed fancy. We weren't carded for drinks or for anything like that. Vincent and Robin seemed...close. How close is still depending. We get our drinks and wait.
Mr. Scott has gone into the VIP lounge upstairs. Robin excuses herself to go to the bathroom. The noise of the place was intense, but the smells...booze, sweat, arousal...all crashed down on me. I wish this was a smoking bar. At least when I'm smoking I can numb some of the smells. Then one of the group mentions that Robin went upstairs. Like idiots we run headfirst into the trap. We freeze. We can't move. A group of people, waving their hands and chanting in some ancient language. Chantelle seemed to recognize some of them.
Then, something snaps in me. I'm not something that can be contained. I can't be bullied, beaten or cowed. I let the wolf out of its cage, ripping my shirt off and shedding my human form. My hair grows. My eyes go completely blue. My legs bend and claws extend. My jaws contort and grow lupine. My teeth grow.
Israel transforms, growing enormous wings, the spirit of wrath. Robin is running for the door, Ardath seems to grow more beautiful. I charge forward, growling and towering over normal men and screaming women and slash at Mr. Scott, who is leaking dark energy like a sieve. My claws rake him, but soon I realize he is not the greatest threat, the one who is the strongest, the one I must dominate to show my strength. I turn to face Israel. An angel on earth, a true challenge, something to show that I am the pack leader. I leap at him....and never connect. He strikes out, knocking me through the wall. I feel my back break and my neck snap as I strike a rooftop miles away. I wake up the next morning naked, but alive. The curse does not let you die. Believe me, I've tried.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most fucked up of all?
Israel drives a big circle back to the school(which I am less than pleased about, but he says he has to see that his friends are okay). In the locker room, I find Chantelle, Robin, Vincent(a weird, but creepy rich kid whose parents died in a fire before the break, who also hung around with that handsome parkour kid Low Key and Israel) and Ardath. All from my class, all circled around a dead body. Dean. Also on the team, he just...lay there. Whatever had happened to him was bad.
I gave my news, that Mr.Scott was acting weird and he had become a shadow monster. Robin seemed less than happy that I was there, saying that outsiders could reveal "secrets",which confused me. Israel vouched for me, saying that I had seen Mr.Scott and I was a part of this now. Nobody else seemed bothered by me being there and they called an ambulance to get Deans body. But not before they discussed dealing with Mr. Scott, who had become a threat to them. They showed a picture from a phone, which was of me in the lockers in a state of undress, which made me angry to say the least. Ardath discussed getting some help from "Robin",which seemed odd, as Robin was right there, but Vincent bowled over him, asking for help from "Sammy". Which confused me, until I realized he must be batshit insane, since he was talking to his reflection(at least half of a conversation anyway). He mentioned a book and that Mr. Scott was taking it to a club. Israel asked if I was in to take down the teacher.
Take down a pedophile shadow freak? Count me in.
I gave my news, that Mr.Scott was acting weird and he had become a shadow monster. Robin seemed less than happy that I was there, saying that outsiders could reveal "secrets",which confused me. Israel vouched for me, saying that I had seen Mr.Scott and I was a part of this now. Nobody else seemed bothered by me being there and they called an ambulance to get Deans body. But not before they discussed dealing with Mr. Scott, who had become a threat to them. They showed a picture from a phone, which was of me in the lockers in a state of undress, which made me angry to say the least. Ardath discussed getting some help from "Robin",which seemed odd, as Robin was right there, but Vincent bowled over him, asking for help from "Sammy". Which confused me, until I realized he must be batshit insane, since he was talking to his reflection(at least half of a conversation anyway). He mentioned a book and that Mr. Scott was taking it to a club. Israel asked if I was in to take down the teacher.
Take down a pedophile shadow freak? Count me in.
Silver and Shadow.
The smell permeates me. It disturbs and discomfits me. I want to know if other people have been less lucky with Mr.Scott. So I do my coin trick.
I find an isolated area in the schoolyard, sit down and spin the coin. It's sort of odd. When I spin the coin and stare at it, sometimes I see things in it. The coin doesn't stop spinning until the vision is done. The full moon on it lights up like a beacon only I can see and shows me...visions. Of people. Of things. I tried to use this once to look for the person/thing who cursed me. No luck yet, but as I spin the coin, a hand slams down and grabs it.
Speak of the devil. It's Mr.Scott and he laughs at my anger as he tosses the coin from hand to hand. I bare my teeth and tell him to give it back, that it means a lot to me. He takes this as a joke and asks what I would give him for it. I tell him his teeth and I flex my fists, ready. Mr. Scott beckons, laughing still....and tells me to come get it. So I argue my point.
My argument is simple...a strong right cross to the face,but with a bit of wolfish strength behind it, which demolishes his teeth and puts his face through the bench, sending a chunk of it through his face. Only, when this happens, he sits up and tells me this wasn't smart. Pulling the piece from his face, he states that Mr. Scott gets what he wants...always. This shadow beast sends me flying like a kite across the yard...and at the foot of a fellow classmates motorbike. Israel I know from my homeroom. Handsome, I guess ,but with a bit of sadness in him. He is very introverted and dislikes small talk. I've never shared more than a few words with him, but I've heard about him. I ask for a lift, which he grants upon seeing the shadow that was Mr.Scott. We get a few feet before his bike breaks down. He seems to be unfazed by this, while I'm about to lose it. The creature tries to grab us and he lashes out with his hand...only his hand turns into a blade of light which severs one of the tendrils away. I begin pushing the bike...until the engine kickstarts and gets moving. I vault onto the back of the bike and look back to see ourselves leaving the alley full of darkness behind.
I find an isolated area in the schoolyard, sit down and spin the coin. It's sort of odd. When I spin the coin and stare at it, sometimes I see things in it. The coin doesn't stop spinning until the vision is done. The full moon on it lights up like a beacon only I can see and shows me...visions. Of people. Of things. I tried to use this once to look for the person/thing who cursed me. No luck yet, but as I spin the coin, a hand slams down and grabs it.
Speak of the devil. It's Mr.Scott and he laughs at my anger as he tosses the coin from hand to hand. I bare my teeth and tell him to give it back, that it means a lot to me. He takes this as a joke and asks what I would give him for it. I tell him his teeth and I flex my fists, ready. Mr. Scott beckons, laughing still....and tells me to come get it. So I argue my point.
My argument is simple...a strong right cross to the face,but with a bit of wolfish strength behind it, which demolishes his teeth and puts his face through the bench, sending a chunk of it through his face. Only, when this happens, he sits up and tells me this wasn't smart. Pulling the piece from his face, he states that Mr. Scott gets what he wants...always. This shadow beast sends me flying like a kite across the yard...and at the foot of a fellow classmates motorbike. Israel I know from my homeroom. Handsome, I guess ,but with a bit of sadness in him. He is very introverted and dislikes small talk. I've never shared more than a few words with him, but I've heard about him. I ask for a lift, which he grants upon seeing the shadow that was Mr.Scott. We get a few feet before his bike breaks down. He seems to be unfazed by this, while I'm about to lose it. The creature tries to grab us and he lashes out with his hand...only his hand turns into a blade of light which severs one of the tendrils away. I begin pushing the bike...until the engine kickstarts and gets moving. I vault onto the back of the bike and look back to see ourselves leaving the alley full of darkness behind.
Who's afraid of the science teacher?
"Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright." This is a quote I heard several times growing up. All from black and white Lon Cheney Jr. films. However, some of it is a crock.
It's been a few months since my problem last occurred. Granted, it's still there, but I've been under control. I haven't hurt anybody or their pets. I've realized that some of the stuff over the years was just myth. Silver doesn't work(my silver coin is proof of that). Gold definitely does(it still hurts where Allison's chain dug in).Not sure of the other weaknesses, but the moon isn't needed for me to change. Piss me off enough and I might though.
First day back from March Break. It's sunny and I walk with a cigarette in my hand, but theres definitely a staleness in the air. My reputation seems to have preceded me on my return, as one of the jocks on the rugby squad offered me a spot on the team. Apparently they have an opening. Eh, why not? It's a chance to make some friends, which I am in need of.
The science teacher, Mr. Scott....he smells wrong. Like something diseased. He puts his hand on my shoulder during practice and his eyes stare into mine, promising me things. But I brush him off. He tells me to ease up and says I can expect great things on the rugby team. What is he after?
In the locker room, me and Israel chatted a bit, though his blatant nudity sort of was distracting. Then two girls burst into the room. Chantelle, another girl from my class and(my heart skipped a beat) Robin. Trying to avoid staring at Israels junk, thankfully. She looked very uncomfortable to be in there. Chantelle stated that they needed our phones and they would be returned by the end of class. And, I shit you not, everyone but me and Israel handed the phones over. What the hell?
It's been a few months since my problem last occurred. Granted, it's still there, but I've been under control. I haven't hurt anybody or their pets. I've realized that some of the stuff over the years was just myth. Silver doesn't work(my silver coin is proof of that). Gold definitely does(it still hurts where Allison's chain dug in).Not sure of the other weaknesses, but the moon isn't needed for me to change. Piss me off enough and I might though.
First day back from March Break. It's sunny and I walk with a cigarette in my hand, but theres definitely a staleness in the air. My reputation seems to have preceded me on my return, as one of the jocks on the rugby squad offered me a spot on the team. Apparently they have an opening. Eh, why not? It's a chance to make some friends, which I am in need of.
The science teacher, Mr. Scott....he smells wrong. Like something diseased. He puts his hand on my shoulder during practice and his eyes stare into mine, promising me things. But I brush him off. He tells me to ease up and says I can expect great things on the rugby team. What is he after?
In the locker room, me and Israel chatted a bit, though his blatant nudity sort of was distracting. Then two girls burst into the room. Chantelle, another girl from my class and(my heart skipped a beat) Robin. Trying to avoid staring at Israels junk, thankfully. She looked very uncomfortable to be in there. Chantelle stated that they needed our phones and they would be returned by the end of class. And, I shit you not, everyone but me and Israel handed the phones over. What the hell?
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
This Bites.
Okay, let's talk about it. The night this story begins for me. It was July 2013. Back where I lived in Burlington.
Life was pretty simple then. The suburbs were nice. I had friends, a life, but not enough money for high school. I had my silver coin and my very best friend. Allison. She had dirty blonde hair, a sweetness that not many people have and she...made me happy. She always wore a gold chain everywhere she went. It was something I had given her on her last birthday.
During the summer there, there was a rabid dog....or wolf....going all around the neighbourhoods. It was mauling and killing peoples pets, ripping up lawns, really sick shit. Some people though the dog was just a bunch of sickos pulling a prank or torturing the pets. Late at night, because hell knows my mom wouldn't be happy about me sneaking out. Allison and me search around and we find this dog. Only it's not a dog. Allison....got hurt. Badly hurt. And this thing bites me too. And then it runs away. Me and Allison get ourselves patched up in secret. A few days later, you know what happens. The moon shows and I run around town. Of course, with my size, the people who saw me thought I was a lion rather than a wolf(werewolf, it's still so weird to me).
Let me tell you, the change was PAINFUL. Think of your ribs expanding in your chest, every bone in your face contorting to make longer jaws and sharper teeth, your nails stretching and sharpening into clawed talons, every pore sprouting fur, your feet bending and stretching to make those clawed canine paws. But it's powerful. Really damn powerful. I could leap across rooftops, claw my way up walls, swim in extremely cold water. The only downside was hearing about it the next morning. Realizing all the animals or people you hurt for the pursuit of freedom as the wolf. You're free of your inhibitions in your wolf form, you want nothing but the hunt, the chase, the kill. I knew the best idea to follow. Find a way to lock myself in so I couldn't lash out. Hide from the world until I could control it. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who was a wolf.
Allison had found the transformation quite similarly, only she had decided she LIKED the killing. I had always wondered if I could track down the creature that had bitten us, that it would break the curse, set us free and make us go back to the people we had been before. Allison changed. In all ways. Both sides of her were set free by the wolf. We fought in her room, first with words, then fists, then with claws. She got me a few times(I still bear the scars)but neither of us were going down. Finally, I used the only thing I could think of. The gold chain that lay on her bed. It was something she never took off, no matter what. I put it around her neck and strangled her with it. It burned my hands like acid, but I refused to let go until she changed back. Only, when she did....it was too late for me to break her curse. She lay naked, frail, dead. There was nothing left of the wolf in her.
The cops asked questions to me, but they could find nothing out. I had a record, but there was no proof and me and Allison had always been friends. So when they buried her, I cried, because I knew who was at fault. Not the beast in me, but me in the beast.
Then it came. The acceptance letter. A school in Toronto. A chance at a new life. Cash flowed in. Who from, I don't know, but I'm hoping whoever it is isn't feeling stiffed. I now go to school here and I feel...lonely most of the time. I mean, that's normal at first. Smoking is my bad habit(better than drugs or hunting the neighbourhood pets, right?) and I do it often to cut out the scents that bombard me from a hundred different sources. I can sense a lot without the smokes. But one of the girls......I can't cut out her scent. And so I've followed her around a few times, always out of sight. I know a lot about her. I shouldn't, but why can't I stop thinking about her?
Her name is Robin.
Life was pretty simple then. The suburbs were nice. I had friends, a life, but not enough money for high school. I had my silver coin and my very best friend. Allison. She had dirty blonde hair, a sweetness that not many people have and she...made me happy. She always wore a gold chain everywhere she went. It was something I had given her on her last birthday.
During the summer there, there was a rabid dog....or wolf....going all around the neighbourhoods. It was mauling and killing peoples pets, ripping up lawns, really sick shit. Some people though the dog was just a bunch of sickos pulling a prank or torturing the pets. Late at night, because hell knows my mom wouldn't be happy about me sneaking out. Allison and me search around and we find this dog. Only it's not a dog. Allison....got hurt. Badly hurt. And this thing bites me too. And then it runs away. Me and Allison get ourselves patched up in secret. A few days later, you know what happens. The moon shows and I run around town. Of course, with my size, the people who saw me thought I was a lion rather than a wolf(werewolf, it's still so weird to me).
Let me tell you, the change was PAINFUL. Think of your ribs expanding in your chest, every bone in your face contorting to make longer jaws and sharper teeth, your nails stretching and sharpening into clawed talons, every pore sprouting fur, your feet bending and stretching to make those clawed canine paws. But it's powerful. Really damn powerful. I could leap across rooftops, claw my way up walls, swim in extremely cold water. The only downside was hearing about it the next morning. Realizing all the animals or people you hurt for the pursuit of freedom as the wolf. You're free of your inhibitions in your wolf form, you want nothing but the hunt, the chase, the kill. I knew the best idea to follow. Find a way to lock myself in so I couldn't lash out. Hide from the world until I could control it. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who was a wolf.
Allison had found the transformation quite similarly, only she had decided she LIKED the killing. I had always wondered if I could track down the creature that had bitten us, that it would break the curse, set us free and make us go back to the people we had been before. Allison changed. In all ways. Both sides of her were set free by the wolf. We fought in her room, first with words, then fists, then with claws. She got me a few times(I still bear the scars)but neither of us were going down. Finally, I used the only thing I could think of. The gold chain that lay on her bed. It was something she never took off, no matter what. I put it around her neck and strangled her with it. It burned my hands like acid, but I refused to let go until she changed back. Only, when she did....it was too late for me to break her curse. She lay naked, frail, dead. There was nothing left of the wolf in her.
The cops asked questions to me, but they could find nothing out. I had a record, but there was no proof and me and Allison had always been friends. So when they buried her, I cried, because I knew who was at fault. Not the beast in me, but me in the beast.
Then it came. The acceptance letter. A school in Toronto. A chance at a new life. Cash flowed in. Who from, I don't know, but I'm hoping whoever it is isn't feeling stiffed. I now go to school here and I feel...lonely most of the time. I mean, that's normal at first. Smoking is my bad habit(better than drugs or hunting the neighbourhood pets, right?) and I do it often to cut out the scents that bombard me from a hundred different sources. I can sense a lot without the smokes. But one of the girls......I can't cut out her scent. And so I've followed her around a few times, always out of sight. I know a lot about her. I shouldn't, but why can't I stop thinking about her?
Her name is Robin.
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